
Ayurveda and Spa Relaxation

Ayurveda Wellness

Sri Lanka is a place in which not just the body but also the soul can be restored.
Ayurveda – the world’s oldest and most holistic medical system – has been practiced for centuries. Today it’s an experience that’s increasingly sought after by tourist. Fortunately, Sri Lanka is a specific destination for Ayurvedic treatment, available in numerous, stylish spas, many of which offer a range of diverse holistic treatments.


Ayurvedic massage also known as abhyanga, the main focus of this massage treatment is to balance out doshas within your body to achieve spiritual fulfillment and relaxation. It also helps to improve lymphatic drainage, release muscle tension and nourish the skin.
Doshas refer to the five elements which are earth, water, air, fire and space; practitioners believe that Ayurveda occurs naturally inside of us. These elements should be in perfect harmony within our bodies, however, due to many external and/or internal influences of modern life, the doshas become off balance in most of us.
Doshas are paired to one another and have a specific name. Air and space are known as Vata, fire and water as Pitta and water and earth are called Kapha. The body has a large number of energy points, hence, with a well-trained touch and understanding of energy flow, the massage therapist is able to feel if and what imbalances your body might be experiencing

What can I expect during an Ayurvedic massage?

The technique of the massage is quite different to the usual Swedish, deep tissue or sports massage. The massage therapist can combine the special techniques with essential oils to achieve the benefits. The
technique largely focuses on the manipulation of the skin as well as the specific energy points, so you should not expect a therapist to apply a deep pressure to break down the ‘knots’.
There are lots of essential oils for Ayurvedic massage. They are very similar to those used for aromatherapy treatments; however, expert therapists classify them as uniquely to promote the flow of specific doshas. For instance, if the massage therapist believes that you need some work done to promote the flow of the Pitta, he will use cold oils; whereas if a therapist believes that you need to improve the flow of your Vata, it is very likely that he will suggest warm or even hot oils.
The Ayurveda massages & therapies offered by the specialized Ayurveda hotels & SPA’s come from age-old formulas passed down from generation to generation of traditional Sri Lankan Ayurvedic families in Sri Lanka.

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